This is the LinkML metadata schema prototype for NFDI4Chem
Name: NFDI4Chem_MIChI
Class | Description |
Characteristic | An attribute/characteristic of an entity (which could be a material entity, information or process) |
ChemicalReaction | A process between multiple chemical entities of a different kind. |
Dataset | Represents a Dataset |
DatasetCollection | A holder for Dataset objects |
MaterialEntity | Material entities are three-dimensional entities (entities extended in three spatial dimensions), as contrasted with the processes in which they participate, which are four-dimensional entities (entities extended also along the dimension of time) |
ChemicalEntity | Any constitutionally or isotopically distinct atom, molecule, ion, ion pair, radical, radical ion, complex, conformer etc., identifiable as a separately distinguishable entity. |
ChemicalSubstance | A MaterialEntity that is composed of multiple Chemical Entities of either the same or different kind |
Device | A used within an analysis with a specific function |
DevicePart | A device which function is to be a part of another device that is used within a chemical assay. |
Sample | The material entity that is being evaluated to assay its attributes/characteristic. |
MinimalMetadataMixin | A mixin with the minimal required slots of a class in this schema. |
PlannedProcess | A process that is executed according to some plan or protocol |
ChemicalAnalysis | An interpretation of the data output of a ChemicalAssay |
ChemicalAssay | The planned process to chemically assay a sample in order to determine some characteristic of it. |
SamplePreparation | The process in which a sample is being generated or prepared for further analysis |
Protocol | The information that specifies how to execute a planned process, in terms of what steps and actions must be taken and what preconditions must be met |
Slot | Description |
based_on_assay_output | The status of a ChemicalAnalysis |
composed_of_chemical_entity | A property to provide the chemical entities of which a chemical substance is ... |
description | A property to provide the human-readable description for a thing |
entries | |
has_characteristic | A property to provide a Characteristic of a Material Entity, such as a Sample... |
has_device | A property to provide the device being used in a ChemicalAssay |
has_function | A property to provide the specific function of a device |
has_input | A property to provide the input of a process |
has_manufacturer | A property to provide the vendor of a device |
has_model_number | A property to provide the model number of a device |
has_output | A property to provide the output of a proces |
has_part | A property to provide the part of a device |
has_quantitative_value | A property to provide the qualitative value of a characteristic |
has_sample | A property to provide the sample being evaluated in a ChemicalAssay |
has_serial_number | A property to provide the serial number of a device |
has_setting | A property to provide a specific setting of a device |
has_status | A property to provide the status of a ChemicalAnalysis |
has_type | A property to provide the specific type of the class it is used on |
has_visual_representation | A property to provide a visualization of a device, such as an image, scetch o... |
id | A property to provide the unique identifier for a thing |
iupac_name | A property to provide the IUPAC name of a Chemical Substance or Chemical Enti... |
name | A property to provide the human-readable name for a thing |
output_of_analysis | A property to provide the chemical analysis or assay that determined the char... |
output_of_sampling_process | A property to link a sample to its creation process |
produces_dataset | A property to provide the dataset being produced by a ChemicalAnalysis or Che... |
provenance | A property to provide a specific setting of a device |
space_group | A property to provide the space group of a Chemical Substance |
Enumeration | Description |
ChemicalAnalysisStatus |
Type | Description |
Boolean | A binary (true or false) value |
Curie | a compact URI |
Date | a date (year, month and day) in an idealized calendar |
DateOrDatetime | Either a date or a datetime |
Datetime | The combination of a date and time |
Decimal | A real number with arbitrary precision that conforms to the xsd:decimal speci... |
Double | A real number that conforms to the xsd:double specification |
Float | A real number that conforms to the xsd:float specification |
Integer | An integer |
Jsonpath | A string encoding a JSON Path |
Jsonpointer | A string encoding a JSON Pointer |
Ncname | Prefix part of CURIE |
Nodeidentifier | A URI, CURIE or BNODE that represents a node in a model |
Objectidentifier | A URI or CURIE that represents an object in the model |
Sparqlpath | A string encoding a SPARQL Property Path |
String | A character string |
Time | A time object represents a (local) time of day, independent of any particular... |
Uri | a complete URI |
Uriorcurie | a URI or a CURIE |
Subset | Description |