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The Center for the Transformation of Chemistry (CTC)

Mayank Agarwal1 2, Davide Chiarugi1 2, Ilia Dorokhov1 2, Pooja Dwivedi1 2, Toni Grell1 2, Manuel Häußler1 2, Markus Lange1 2, Robin Schoemacher1 2, Daniel Sieh1 2, Chunning Sun1 2, Peter H Seeberger1 2

1. Max Planck Institute for Colloids and Interfaces, Potsdam Science Park, Am Mühlenberg 1, 14476 Potsdam
2. Center for the Transformation of Chemistry, Am Haupttor, Bau 4310, 06237 Leuna - Richard-Wagner-Straße 7a, 04509 Delitzsch

Both in Germany and worldwide, the activities of the chemical industry have a substantial environmental impact due, in particular, to the considerable rate of greenhouse gas emissions and the production of hazardous waste.

Moreover, the chemical industry is heavily dependent on crude oil and natural gas that serve both as energy sources for manufacturing processes and as raw materials for chemical substances and products. The related supply chains are typically extremely fragile and vulnerable to shortages, price shocks, and adverse geopolitical events.

To address these issues, the Center for the Transformation of Chemistry (CTC) aims at championing the scientific advancement of sustainable circular economy and at implementing it cooperatively with industry. The approach underlying the activities of the CTC focuses ultimately on the transformation of the chemical production processes, fostering the transition from the current linear chemical industry to a resilient circular economy. In this context, chemical products must be manufactured mainly from renewable or recycled raw materials, while maintaining the highest standards for occupational safety, environmental protection, and optimizing the topology and efficiency of the supply chains.

The scientific activities of the CTC are articulated along five interleaving areas of interest, namely Data-Driven Chemistry, Recycling, Renewable Feedstocks, Automation & Standardisation and Societal Environmental Economic Metrics.

By promoting the growth of a broad network of cooperating institutional and corporate stakeholders, the CTC strives to promote the usage of standards in experimental protocols and digital data, thus enhancing the efficiency of the production chains and the FAIRnes of research in chemistry.

This poster provides an overview of the mission of the CTC, as well as of its current scientific organisation and activities, with particular reference to the research pilot projects and the training initiatives in the context of the Academy for the Transformation of Chemistry.