Docker Installation
Pulling the docker image:
docker pull docker pull lincoln1010/mass_spectrometry_file_converter:v1
Running the container:
docker run --privileged -d -ti --name < name of the container > -p 5000:5000 lincoln1010/mass_spectrometry_file_converter:v1.0
Enabling the docker in docker (which is necessary):
docker exec < name of the container > dockerd >/tmp/docker.stdout 2>/tmp/docker.stderr &
Copy extra parameters on config.txt file:
- a : create a config.txt file with content , for example, --mzXML (without any indentation)
- b :
docker cp < path to your config.txt file > < name of the container >:/app/config.txt
(copying the config.txt file to /app/config.txt inside the container)
The URL will be available on