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No.PropertyNFDI4Chem IDDefinitionExport FormatCHuman-Readable ExampleMachine-Readable ExampleComments
1NMR Spectroscopy Assaynfdi.nmr.assayNMR spectroscopy assay (OBI:0000623)1Human-Readable ExampleMachine-Readable ExampleBy an assay, we mean the single NMR measurement (1H, HSQC...) and not the entire experiment where multiple assays are possibly run.
1.1NMR Samplenfdi.nmr.sampleNMR sample (NMR:1400128)1By an NMR sample, we mean the last sample ready for placing in the instrument, i.e., in liquid-state NMR, it will already have the NMR solvent added along with other possible additions.
1.1.1Characterized Compoundnfdi.nmr.sample.compoundA compound characterized in an NMR sample using data acquired from an NMR analysis.
  • mol
  • ChEBI ID or IRI that is a leaf of the ontology term molecular entity (CHEBI:23367)
  • PubChem ID
  • 1-ncaffeine CHEBI:27732This value is to be filled in after the assignment. mol file is mandatory, while CHEBI and PubChem entries are only recommended be provided when available.
    1.1.2NMR Solventnfdi.nmr.sample.solventNMR solvent (CHEBI:197449)ChEBI ID for a molecular entity that has the NMR solvent (CHEBI:197449)1-nD₂O CHEBI:41981 Solvent Volume/Volume Rationfdi.nmr.sample.solvent.ratio Volume/volume ratios (SNOMED:282380000) of NMR solvents (CHEBI:197449)A number without unit1-nD₂O: 90CHEBI:41981: 90
    1.1.3Chemical Shift Calibration Compoundnfdi.nmr.sample.
    A compound that produces one or more peaks used to calibrate the spectrum.An ChEBI ID for a leaf from molecular entity (CHEBI:23367)1TMSNMR:1000029 Shift Calibration Compound Peak Shiftnfdi.nmr.sample.
    The chemical shift of the peak used for chemical shift calibration.A number with unit: ppm (UO:0000169)17.26 ppm7.26 UO:0000169
    1.1.4NMR Sample Tube Diameternfdi.nmr.sample.tube_diameterThe outer diameter of the NMR sample tube (NMR:1400132)A number with unit: millimeter (UO:0000016)0-15 mm5 UO:0000016
    1.1.5NMR Sample Tube Typenfdi.nmr.sample.tube_typeThe type of the NMR sample tube (NMR:1400132)A leaf of NMR sample tube (NMR:1400132)0-1Young, coaxial, Shigemi...NMR:1000269
    1.2NMR Acquisition Parametersnfdi.nmr.acquisitionNMR acquisition parameter (NMR:1001954)1
    1.2.1Acquisition Nucleusnfdi.nmr.acquisition.nucleusAcquisition Nucleus (NMR:1400083)The nuclei of atoms identified by ChEBI IDs that are leaves of the ontology term atom (CHEBI:33250)1-d13CThe nucleus of CHEBI:36928
    1.2.2Nominal Proton Frequencynfdi.nmr.acquisition.
    Resonance frequency of 1H at the field strength of the NMR magnet (NMR:1400253), rounded to 10-fold numbers.A number with unit: megaHertz (UO:0000325)1-d400 MHz400 UO:0000325Users must provide precision of 10-folds numbers
    1.2.3NMR Methodnfdi.nmr.acquisition.methodAn analytical method used in NMR spectroscopy defined by the class of pulse sequence and number of dimensions.Children from pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (CHMO:0000613)1HSQCCHMO:0000604
    1.2.4Pulse Sequence Namenfdi.nmr.acquisition.pulseThe name of the pulse sequence used to perform the acquisition.Free text1zg30zg30
    1.2.5Flip Anglenfdi.nmr.acquisition.flip_angleRotation that the net magnetization experiences during the application of a radiofrequency pulse in nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.A number with unit: degree (UO:0000185)0-190°90 UO:0000185
    1.2.6Relaxation Delaynfdi.nmr.acquisition.relaxation_delayrelaxation delay (NMR:1400090)A number with unit: second based unit (UO:1000010)0-12 sec2 UO:0000010
    1.2.7Number of Acquisition Data Pointsnfdi.nmr.acquisition.
    number of acquisition data points (NMR:1400017)A number with unit: data point (AFR:0000186)0-d32768 data points32768 AFR:0000186
    1.2.8Sample Temperature Informationnfdi.nmr.acquisition.temperaturesample temperature information (NMR:1400262)A number with unit: kelvin (UO:0000012)0-1298.15 Kelvin298.15 UO:0000012
    1.2.9Number of Scansnfdi.nmr.acquisition.
    number of scans (NMR:1400087)A number0-188
    1.2.10Pulse Power or Pulse Power Gradientnfdi.nmr.acquisition.pulse_powerThe power of the applied RF pulse. Or the power gradient of the applied RF pulse.A number with unit: watt based unit (UO:1000114)0-d10 Watt10 UO:1000114
    1.2.11Spectral Widthnfdi.nmr.acquisition.spectral_widthSweep Width (NMR:1000175)A number with unit: hertz (UO:0000106) 0-d5000 Hz5000 UO:0000106
    1.2.12Acquisition Timenfdi.nmr.acquisition.acquisition_timeacquisition time (AFR:0001158)A number with unit: second based unit (UO:1000010)0-d20 sec20 UO:0000010
    1.2.13Usage of Shaped Radio Frequency Pulsenfdi.nmr.acquisition.shaped_pulseWhether a shaped radio frequency pulse (CHMO:0001870) was used.A truth value (SIO:000268): True or False0-dTRUESIO:000269
    1.2.14Mixing Timenfdi.nmr.acquisition.mixing_timeThe duration during which coherence transfer occurs between different nuclear spins, allowing for the correlation of different frequencies.A number with unit: second based unit (UO:1000010)0-10.5 sec0.5 UO:0000010Mandatory for NOE, TOCSY
    1.2.15Constant Timenfdi.nmr.acquisition.constant _timeThe fixed time period in a constant time method (CHMO:0001874) A number with unit: second based unit (UO:1000010)0-10.5 sec0.5 UO:0000010
    1.3NMR Instrumentnfdi.nmr.instrumentNMR instrument (NMR:1400059)0-1
    1.3.1NMR Instrument Manufacturernfdi.nmr.instrument.manufacturerNMR instrument manufacturer (NMR:1400255)An nmrCV ID which is a leaf from NMR instrument manufacturer (NMR:1400255)0-1BrukerNMR:1400256
    1.3.2NMR Instrument Modelnfdi.nmr.instrument.modelNMR instrument model (NMR:1000031)An nmrCV ID for a leaf from NMR instrument (NMR:1400059)0-1AVANCE III HDNMR:1000371
    1.3.3NMR Probenfdi.nmr.instrument.probeNMR probe (NMR:1400014)An nmrCV ID for a leaf from NMR probe (NMR:1400014)0-15mm inverse detection cryoprobeNMR:1000326
    1.4NMR Data Processingnfdi.nmr.processingNMR data processing (NMR:1400042)1-n
    1.4.1Chemical Shift Reference Compoundnfdi.nmr.processing.
    NMR chemical shift reference compound (CHEBI:228364)An ChEBI ID for a molecular entity that has the role NMR chemical shift reference compound (CHEBI:228364)1TMSCHEBI:85361
    1.4.2Number of Zero Filling Pointsnfdi.nmr.processing.zero_fillingNumber of data points of the FID after zero filling.A number with unit: data point (AFR:0000186)0-n256000 data points256000 AFR:0000186
    1.4.3Window Function for Apodizationnfdi.nmr.processing.
    window function for apodization (NMR:1400068)An nmrCV ID for a leaf from window function for apodization (NMR:1400068)0-ngaussian broadeningNMR:1400070 Function Parametersnfdi.nmr.processing.
    window function parameter (NMR:1400096)Depends on the function0-n
    1.4.4Baseline Correctionnfdi.nmr.processing.
    baseline correction (NMR:1400074)An nmrCV ID for a leaf from baseline correction (NMR:1400074)0-npolynomial NMR:1000225 Correction Parametersnfdi.nmr.processing.
    A parameter to a baseline correction function.Depends on the function0-nNMR:1000225
    1.4.5Phase Correctionnfdi.nmr.processing.
    phase correction (NMR:1000071)An nmrCV ID for a leaf from phase correction (NMR:1000071)0-nmanualNMR:1000096 Order Phase Correction (ph0)nfdi.nmr.processing.
    zero order phase correction (NMR:1400079)A number with unit: degree (UO:0000185)0-n-3.45684728°-3.45684728 UO:0000185 Order Phase Correction (ph1)nfdi.nmr.processing.
    first order phase correction (NMR:1400080)A number with unit: degree (UO:0000185)0-n4.457289234°4.457289234 UO:0000185
    1.4.6Usage of Absolute Correctionnfdi.nmr.processing.
    Whether a method was used that removes phase information like power or magnitude mode.A truth value (SIO:000268): True or False0-nTRUESIO:000269